
Saturday, July 09, 2005

Getting Back on Track 

I apologize for my lack of posting over the past three weeks. I just met a project deadline at work while simultaneously moving into a newly built house. If you've ever had to go through two crunch times like that at the same time, you'll understand why I had to let the blog go for a few weeks.

During this downtime, its been my displeasure to see the M's reeling falling to 16 1/2 games behind the Angles at the hands of the Oakland A's, Texas Freakin Rangers and, ulp, Kansas City Royals.

It has been a dark time for the Mariners, and a particularly bad time for your Mariner Optimist to be off the job. So let me get back into posting and see if we can find the light at the end of this storm of suckitude.

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