Saturday, May 21, 2005
Bucky now 3-5 Weeks Away
Bucky is sounding ready to go...
Bucky Jacobsen is finishing up his first week of rehab following exploratory surgery last week on his surgically repaired kneecap. And he said that so far, everything is going well. He said he plans to be in Seattle until June 8, when he will report to extended spring training in Arizona.Can't wait for Bucky to return! This team needs life badly. The article also talks about the return of Pat Borders, the eternal catcher, and the progress of Joel Pineiro.
"I'll do that until they think I'm ready, then I'll go to Tacoma, and then who knows?" he said. "They said in four to six weeks I'd be back playing, so now that's three to five weeks. It feels good. It feels better already. I hope it's not just wishful thinking, but I think they fixed the problem."